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We told you so!

It's over! .... for Middleboro

It gives me great pleasure today to thank all the dedicated members and friends of Casino Facts who have been fighting and supporting us to maintain the quality of life that we so well deserve. For almost three years we have been trying to drive a message home that a Casino in Middleboro was "not inevitable". Many will say it was the SCOTUS decition to not allow land to trust, or the high cost of the infrastructure, or the environmental impacts, or one of the many other road blocks that put an end to the Tribe's ill-fated plan, but in my heart I truly believe it was the culmination of dedicated research, and the tireless effort to educate and help people understand the logic and the basic principle that there is no price tag for an exchange of "quality of life". Today is not only a victory for Middleboro, but for the area as a whole, but the war is far from over, for now is the time to fight for the rest of the residents of Ma. and help them understand the dark and hidden secrets of predatory gambling.

Thank you,

Frank Dunphy
President Casino Facts Committee

Another open letter to Governor Patrick

This came in to the CFO web site. All are encouraged to contact their state/local leaders as this person has done.

August 14, 2007

Governor Deval Patrick
Massachusetts State House
Office of the Governor
Room 360
Boston, MA 02133

Dear Governor Patrick,

I am a concerned citizen of Massachusetts and write to you to express my disappointment about the proposal for Class 3 gaming in Massachusetts. I live in a residential town in southeastern Massachusetts. Although my concern centers around the proposed Middleboro casino site at this time, I believe the approval of Class 3 gaming will affect the entire state. The citizens of Massachusetts must have a right to vote on this matter by ballot at the next election.

The social impact alone of class 3 gambling in Massachusetts will be, in my opinion, detrimental to the citizens of this State and the generations that follow.

The Middleboro proposed site, which is adjacent to Route 44, abuts several rural bedroom communities. I have numerous concerns with this proposal and will outline them below:

1. A casino will permanently change the rural landscape of southeastern Mass. There will be no stars, sunrise/sunsets, birds, and other wildlife. Daylight will be seen for miles 24 hours per day.

2. You must have read the statistics - traffic will be uncontrollable, Route 495, Route 3, 44 and Route 58, to name a few, will be overcrowded and costly for repairs and maintenance.

3. Towns surrounding Middleboro will lose value on residential properties that we worked so hard to build and be proud of. We will experience higher taxes to pay for additional police, fire and educational needs expected by population growth resulting from employment at the casino. Surrounding towns will have no incoming revenue if a casino is approved.

4. Increase in crime, illegal prostitution, alcoholism and gambling addiction are just some of the social problems that will result. Reckless and drunk driving and increased personal debt from gambling will change the values of our people and the community they live in.

5. Agricultural land will be jeopardized by the increase in water usage and pollution from the hotel and casino. The aquifers and local residential wells will be affected as well as rivers and streams. Disposal of trash at the Rochester incinerator will impact the quality of air and diesel fumes from trucks will pollute our clean air.

I could write on and on about the effects of such an infrastructure in rural southeastern Massachusetts or any other part of the state. We all know that if class 3 gaming is approved other Indian Tribes will express casino interest. Gambling has been illegal in Massachusetts for a long time - it was made illegal for a reason. Why would the State change what has been successful for a long time. I hope money isn't the reason. Please listen to the people of Massachusetts. Do not approve this proposal. Thank you for your consideration.

Concerned Citizen of Massachusetts

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