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Bureau of Indian Affairs - Environmental concerns regarding Land into Trust

Here is some information on the types of concerns that might be mentioned in the letters to the BIA Hearings and letters of concern. Please contact greg for more information or assistance writing your letter of concern.

BIA Hearings will be held in Middleboro on March 26th at the High School, at 6:00 p.m. Letters of concern can be sent to the BIA at the address at the bottom of the page if you can't make it to the hearing.

Once the Tribe's application for land into trust hits the Federal Register, you will have 45 days to comment, either at the BIA hearing or in a letter of concern. You can also submit your letter of concern at the BIA Hearing. If possible, please e-mail a copy of your letter to greg or by mail to: - PAC, P.O. Box 105, Middleboro, MA 02346

  • Air Quality,*
  • Historical and Cultural,*
  • Biota & Threatened & Endangered Species,*
  • Construction, Demolition, Landscaping & Reclamation*
  • Crime Potential, Protection and Prevention
  • Current, Past and Future Cumulative Impacts,*#
  • Demographic Trends, (*If alternations will be notable) --such as education, housing, etc.
  • Energy (electrical, fuel, etc)*
  • Resource uses and changes*,
  • Fire Potential, Protection and Prevention,
  • Forests,
  • Flood Plain,
  • River, Lake, Wetland & Riparian Areas*,
  • Forest, Forestry Resources and Logging,
  • Geology,
  • Seismic and Mining (*if hazard in present),
  • Health and Safety OSHA, Land use plans,
  • Noise,
  • Non hazardous waste (solid, liquid, or confined gas)*,
  • Pale ontological Resources,
  • Prime and Unique Farm Land (ie cranberry bogs-see (7CFR658.3-5*),
  • Protected, Sensitive and Special management Areas*,
  • Socioeconomic Issues (tribe and other affected parties*},
  • Recreational/Subsistence Hunting, fishing, Gathering, Releases (10 CFR 112-117, 40 CFR300-373, etc*),
  • Stormwater discharges, (40CFR 122.36*,
  • Utilities Issues and Changes,
  • Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic Issues and Changes*,
  • Vital resources (light pollution, views, aesthetics, etc.),
  • Wastewater treatment and Disposal (40 CFR 122-120*,
  • water quality (surface, ground and drinking water)*,
  • Water quantities needed and/or affected,*
  • Other (specify)
* - Indicates those issues, at a minimum, which must be addressed in all EAS and EISes. Other issues must be addressed if they would be affected.
# - Significance as defined in 4- CFR 1508.26. An EA or an EIS must show an assessment of the degree of significance of any expected impact-individual, cumulative, direct, indirect, beneficial, adverse, present, reasonably-foreseeable future, residual and/or synergistic--of the proposed Action. See 42USC 7609, 40 CFR 1501.2 (a and b), 1502.16 and 1508.8 and 516 DM 5.3
(B) Cumulative impact is defined in 40 CFR 1508.7.

Send letters to:
Franklin Keel, Regional Director
Eastern Regional Office
Bureau of Indian Affairs
545 marriott Drive, suite 700
Nashville, TN 37214


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